Tutorials - Registration Accounting
Prev: Registration Form | Next: Payments |
Pay what you want
To allow player to add a free amount to their registration, activate the "Pay what you want" feature.
Then in the Event Configuration page, input the following values:
The field will then added to the registration form.
Fixed instalments
With this feature it is possible to define multiple deadlines to divide the payment of a signup fee. First activate the "Fixed Instalments" feature.
Now go to the Event Instalment panel, and create a new payment deadline clicking on "New":
Define the following values:
- Order, the order on which this deadline will be considered. Given a signup with a specific ticket, all the deadlines on that ticket will be extracted, and followed by the order value in order to determine the next player's due amount.
- Amount, the amount requested to be paid. If left to 0 (usually the last deadline), the system will ask for all the remainder of the signup fee (the difference between registration total fee, and payments from player)
- Days deadline: number of days from the moment of signup.
- Date deadline: a given date for the deadline.
- Tickets: The list of tickets to which it applies (start typing in the input to select the tickets).
Note: It is not possible to define both a days deadline and a date deadline. Only one of the two is accepted, and required.
Note: If no installments are defined for a ticket, then by default the payment deadline is 7 days from the moment of signup.
Dynamic rates
With this feature it is possible to divide the payment of a signup fee in dynamic rates (or quotas). First activate the "Fixed Instalments" feature.
Now go to the Event Rates panel, and create a new quota option clicking on "New":
Define the following values:
- Quotas, the number of quotas in wich the payment can be divided. (For example 1 for single payment, 2 for two tranches, 3 for three tranches, etc).
- Days available, the maximum number of days before the event for this option to be available for new registrations. (0 means it is always available).
- Surcharge, an optional surcharge on this quotas.
For each option, the total amount of the signup fee will be divided by the number of quotas indicated. The first tranche will be asked 7 days from the signup; for the other tranches, the deadlines will be placed dividing the time between the signup and the event by the number of quotas.
The player will be able to choose which of the quota options they would like during signup, from the quotas available at the moment of signup:
As an example, let's define 3 possible options for the player, to perform the payment in a number of tranches from 1 to 3. Quotas 2 and 3 will have a limit on the number of days available (as it would not make much sense to be able to split the payment in multiple tranches for a player that performs a last-minute signup), and Quotas 3 will have a surcharge, since it increase the workload of the accounting staff.
Assuming that the total signup fee is 100, and the player signed up 60 days before the event, given the quota chosen during signup, they will be asked to pay:
- 1 quota: 100 by 7 days of the signup
- 2 quotas: 50 by 7 days of the signup, and the remaining 50 by 30 days
- 3 quotas: 33 by 7 days of the signup, again 33 by 20 days, and finally 34 by 40 days
Note: The quota options will be applied to to all signups and tickets.
Registration surcharges
With this feature it is possible to automtically add a surcharge to a registration if it has been created after a deadline. First activate the "Registration surcharge" feature.
Now go to the Event Surcharges panel, and create a new surcharge option clicking on "New":
Indicate the Amount of the surcharge, and the deadline Date. The surcharge will be added to all registrations created after the deadline.
With this feature it is possible to provide discount codes to the players. First activate the "Discount" feature.
Now go to the Event Discount panel, and create a new discount clicking on "New":
Define the following values:
- Name, the name of the discount (will be used only internally)
- Runs, the runs for which it is active
- Value, the amount to reduce the total registraion fee
- Max redeem, the maximum number of activation of this discount by the players
- Code, the discount code to be entered by the players (you can configure it to any value you'd like)
- Type, the type of the discount: Standard, or Play Again (usable only if the player has already played a run of the same event)
- Visible, if the discount is visible (and usable) by players
- Only reg, in the discount can be used only at creation of the registration, and not on following registraion updates.
A new field will be added to the players' registration form, where they can enter the discount codes, and reserve them for 15 minutes:
With this feature, players can reserve registrations, pay for them, and later gift them to other players. First activate the "Gift" feature.
A new field, Giftable, will be added to both Tickets and Form Questions:
Only the Tickets and the Questions marked as giftable will be added as option in the gift registration form.
Now players will be able to access a new panel called "Gift":
By clicking on "Add new", player will be able to create new signups. They will be counted for maximum values of tickets and options, so in this way it is possible to book them. In the Event Registration panel, they will be marked with the gift icon.
When a gift registration has been paid by the player, a special link will be generated. Another player, accessing that link, will then be able to claim the registration (the player must not have already a registration for that run). The registration will then no longer marked as "gift".
Prev: Registration Form | Next: Payments |