Tutorials - Character attributes

These are the pre-configured character fields that can be activated to extend the characters' presentation.


This field is used to add a 2/3 word title to the characters. To use it, activate the "Title" feature.

A new field is now added to the character form:

And the content of the field is shown in the gallery, next to the character's name:


This feature allows you to customize the cover image of the characters (before a player is assigned to them). To use, activate the "Cover" feature.

A new field is now added to the character form:

The new cover is show in the gallery: 


This field is used to add a single sentence on what could be a "motto" for the character. To use, activate the "Motto" feature.

A new field is now added to the character form:

The motto is show in the character's page: 


This field is used to provide informations on the character to the player before the full character sheet (for example information on logistics or costume). To use, activate the "Preview" feature.

A new field is now added to the character form:

To show the content of the "preview" filed, go to the Run panel

When this setting is checked, the preview will be shown in the private area of the character's page:


This field is used to track the props to be given to each character. To use, activate the "Props" feature.

A new field is now added to the character form:

In the Props panel, all the props are then compiled together to help with logistics: 



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