Tutorials - Manage Registrations
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Manage Registrations
To view all player registrations, head over to Event's registration page.
If you have defined registration questions, you will find a button for each under "Registration questions". By clicking on it, it's answer will be uploaded for each signed up player:
By clickin on "Accounting", you can see a detailed description of the monetary situation for the registration (how much they owe / they have paid / the total registration fee / the part of fee derived from the ticket / the part of fee derived from options):
By clicking the edit icon you can update the data for each registration, or you can add a new one by clicking on "Add new".
To assign a character, input it's name in the "Character" field:
To cancel a registration, click on "Delete", and then on "Confirmation delete".
You can manage the cancelled registration of the Event's cancellation page:
Player's Cancellations
If you want to allow players to be able to cancel their signups, activate the feature Player Cancellations.
Players will find the link to perform this action on their sign up page.
Registration Opening
When a run is created and made visible to the players, the signups are immediately available. If you'd like to instead have them open only from a specific date and time, activate the Registration Opening feature.
Now in the Run management panel, you'll find a new field, "Registration Opening Date":
You can then select the date and time when registrations will be available to players. While this field is left blank, registration will not be available.
To allow players to pre-register to events of their interest, activate the Pre-registration feature.
Then, for the events that you want to have the pre-registration active, go to their Event configuration panel and mark this checkbox:
Then in the Event pre-registration page you'll find the total list of pre-registrations, and the link to provide to players to perform the pre-registration:
Secret registration link
If you wish to allow some selected players to signup, even if the signups are not publicly open, activate the Secret registration link feature.
Now in the Run management panel, you'll find a new field, "Entry code":
The field will be pre-filled with a randomly generated code; if you wish you can insert another text.
Finally, access the secret registration link page to get the link to share with the players.
External link registration
If you wish to use another tool to manage signups, activate the External link registration feature.
Now in the Event management panel, you'll find a new field, "Register link":
Input here the link for the external tool. When clicking on the "Register" link, there will be two different behaviours:
- Players that are not already signed up will be redirected to this link;
- Players already signed up will access their registration form as usual.
Prev: Event Appearance | Next: Registration Ticket |