Tutorials - Registration options
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Registration options
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Prev: Registration questions | Next: Characters |
To manage the event's registration options, go to the Event's registration options page.
You can edit the existing questions, or you can add a new one by clicking on "Add new".
Input the following data:
Question, the registration question where this option will be rendered (needs to be already created);
Display, the text that will be shown for this option;
Price, the price that this option will add to the registration fee (if 0, it will not be shown);
Max available, the maximum number of signups with this option (if 0, there will be no limit);
Order, inside a registration question, it's options will be rendered ordered by this value.
Here's an example of a Single choice question:
Here's an example of a Multiple choice question:
Prev: Registration questions | Next: Characters |