Tutorials - Characters

To manage the event's characters, go to the Event's characters page.

You can edit the existing characters, or you can add a new one by clicking on "Add new". 

Input the following data:

Name, the name of the character; 

Concept, a description that will be showed only to staff members; 

Teaser, a short description of the character, visible to all players (when in the run is set "Show teaser");

Text, a long description of the character, visible only to the player to which the character is assigned (when in the run is set "Show characters").

(For Concept, Teaser, Text click on "Show" to display the input field).

(Remember that the characters will be shown to the players when in the run is set "Show chars").

Each character will be automatically assigned a number, starting from 1. In the texts, you can refer to other characters using their number: this has the advantage that the name will be automatically updated during rendering (even if the name of the character is later changed, or the player chooses a custom name for it). 

Additionally, the name of the other character will be rendered with a small popup window upon hovering, displaying information on that character (and the player to which it has been assigned). 

For example, this text (written on the character #2): 

Will be rendered as: 

The reference to other characters with numbers can be done in two ways: 

#XX: for bidirectional relationships (love, colleagues, rivals), of which the other character is aware of.

@XX: for unidirectional relationships (secret hatred, loves but is unrequited), of that the other character is NOT aware of.

These values are used in the Event's character check, a function that analyzes the texts of all characters, looking that all bidirectional reference has been corrected (in both of the character's text there is a reference to the other character).

Here's an example when the character #2 has a reference to character #1, but the inverse is not true: