
We created a vast library of video tutorials, covering every single aspect of the software. You'll get the hang of it in no time! (If you prefer, you can follow the youtube playlist)

Below you will find the list of all video available; you can write a keyword to filter them. Then click on "view", and the video will appear on the bottom.

#1 - Set up a LARP OrganizationViewThis first tutorial video shows how to set up a new LARP Organization, and the main settings, roles and appearance!
#2 - Create Event and RunViewIn this video we will see how to create a new event, configure run, roles and the event's appereance!
#3 - Sign ups and PrivacyViewIn this video we'll see how to manage sign ups, and how the user privacy is guaranteed!
#4 - PaymentsViewWe will see how to activate the payments, how to input the codes required by the payment methods, and how larp manager processes the payments!
#5 - Registration questions and optionsViewIn this video we'll see how to add registration questions: either short or long text. Additionally we see how to define registration options for single choice or multiple choice.
#6 - Registration flowViewIn this video we'll see how to control the registration flow: manage when the registration will be opened, allow the user to pre-signup, give special link for registration, use an external service for collecting sign ups.
#7 - Registration accountingViewWe will see ways of controlling the accounting of the registration: how to split the fee in different payments (quotas or installments), how to apply surcharges.
#8 - Registration discountViewIn this we'll see how to configure discount, as a way to help out players.
#9 - Registration question managementViewIn this video we'll see how to show or hide registration questions, based on the ticket chosen, on the faction of the character assigned. We'll also see how to assign a picture to the registration questions, and how to organize them in sections.
#10 - Registration special ticket (part one)ViewWe'll see the special tickets: waiting list, and lottery. Additionally we'll see how to hide a ticket.
#11 - Registration special tickets (part two)ViewWe'll see the special tickets: filler (for lighter characters) and patron/reduced. Finally we'll see how to add an info field.
#12 - Player cancellation, Terms and conditionsViewIn this video we'll see how to allow players to cancel their registration, how to mark an event as LAOG, how to put Terms and Conditions both for the event and the organization, and how to configure custom messages.
#13 - Customize characters and Speed LarpViewIn this video we'll see how to let players customize their character (and choose the name, the pronoun, song, public and private information, profile image). We'll also see how to create Speed Larps, how to check that no player has to play two of them at the same time!
#14 - Campaign and XPViewIn this video we'll see how to configure the events in order to create a "Campaign", so that they share characters. We'll also see how to define abilities and to give Experience Points to the characters, and how the system keeps everything updated
#15 - Multi language, default features, deadlinesViewIn this video we'll see how to configure the support for events in different languages, how to define the features that will be activated by default by events made, and how to keep track of the problems in registrations.
#16 - Event informationsViewWe see in this video how to activate more fields to give more information on the event: the location (where), the authors, the website, the genre, the tagline, the design document, the social group, the social chat.
#17 - Tokens, Credits, ExpensesViewIn this video we'll see the concepts of Tokens and Credits, the two money-equivalent measures. We'll also see how to manage the personal expenses of the staff members.
#18 - PWYW, Donations, CollectionsViewIn this video we'll see how to let the player donate money during their signup (or choose freely the amount of their ticket), to let the player donate to the Organization, and to let the player organize Collections (to donate a ticket to another player).
#19 - Fees, Refunds, RemindsViewIn this video we'll see how to track the fees on the payment method (and if to make the user pay for them), how to refund credit to the user, and how to automatically remind user about payment deadlines.
#20 - Outflows, Invoice verification, Organization taxViewIn this video we'll see how to manage the expenses made by the organization, how to verify invoices, how to have an organization tax on the events, and how to record the accounting balance.
#21 - User create / edit charater, gallery visibilityViewIn this video we'll see how to let players edit and / or create their characters. Also we'll see how to control the visibility of the gallery, either hiding uncasted characters, or uncasted players.
#22 - Safety, help, chat, historyViewIn this video we'll see how to manage the sensible informations of the players (safety / diet), how the players can request information, how they can chat between each other, and how to see the list of larps played.
#23 - Badges and Event visibilityViewIn this video we'll see how to manage badges, to hide events, to show a list of past events, and to show a legal notice for the organization!
#24 - Character writingViewIn this video we'll see how to create characters on the LarpManager, how to write teasers and texts. We will also see how to create relationships, and to check them.
#25 - Character features (1)ViewIn this video we'll see the main features available for character writing, all the fields that can activated in order to help you organize them (first part).
#26 - Character features (part two)ViewIn this video we'll see the main features available for character writing, all the fields that can activated in order to help you organize them (second part).
#27 - Automatic PDF generationViewIn this video we'll see how to configure the automatic generation of PDF versions of the character sheets!
#28 - FactionsViewIn this video we'll see how to create groups of characters, the Factions.
#29 - Casting AlgorithmViewIn this video we'll see how to use an algorithm designed to help with assigning characters to players ("casting"): the players can give preference on the characters, and the algorithm will work on them, striving to find the optimal assignment, maximizing player satisfaction.
#30 - Plots, Prologues, HandoutsViewIn this video we'll see features to help you write the event: Plots (parts of the character sheet regarding a single plot), Prologues (small paragraphs given to the player before each game act), Handouts (letters or other document the player can find during the game)
#31 - Quests and TraitsViewIn this video we'll see how to create Quests and Traits, additional parts of the character sheet, that the player can directly choose, to combine them for their character.
#32 - Membership and VoteViewIn this video we'll see how to manage Member, their Membership, the payment of the yearly fee, and voting!
#33 - Workshops, Utils, Short url, ProblemsViewIn this video we'll see how to manage Workshops, digital items you want to upload, short url, and how to manage issues during the game!
#34 - Shuttle, Competences, Copy, NewsletterViewIn this video we'll see how to manage Shuttles to and from the event, Competences (abilities) for your members, how to copy elements from other events, and how to manage newsletters!
#35 - Upload and Download, Autosave, Working tickets, CarouselViewIn this video we'll see how to upload data to the larpmanager and how to download it, the autosave function, the feature of checking multiple concurrent edits (Working Tickets), and a new way to present your events.
#36 - Preview, Inflows, Staff prices, paste as textViewIn this video we'll see how to give info to the player about their character before the full character sheet (preview), how to track inflows, how to have special prices for staff members, and how to force the editor to discard external formatting.


We have a comprehensive list of information on how to use the larpmanager here, at the LarpManager F.A.Q.!