Tutorials - User information

Go to the Organization edit form.



In Members Info, you can select which personal data of your players will be stored in the system. 

(Note that the first name and surname are stored by default.)

(Note that if the player in the past already compiled the requested data, by signing up to an event of another organization that used LarpManager,  the data will be pre-filled.)

Here is a description of the available fields:

  • ALIAS: The system shows the list of players signed up to an event, by their first name and surname. If a player wishes that they real name is not shown publicly, they can indicate a nickname. (Note that their real name will be shown to other players signed up to the same run, and organizers of that run)
  • PRONOUNS: The preferred player's pronouns. They will be shown in the player's public profile. 
  • CONTACT: A way to contact the player (can be email, social, etc). It will be shown in the player's public profile.
  • PORTRAIT: A photo of the player. It will be shown in the player's public profile, and in the game's gallery.
  • NATIONALITY, GENDER, PHONE CONTACT,  BIRTH DATE,  BIRTH PLACE:, RESIDENCE ADDRESS: The corresponding player's data. They will not be shown on the player's public profile.
  • FIRST AID: Whether the player has the training to perform first aid during a game. They will be shown in the game player's list.
  • DOCUMENT TYPE, DOCUMENT NUMBER: Type and number of an Identity Document, as defined by the player's country.
  • TIN: Taxpayer Identification Number (or National identification number), as defined by the player's country.
  • DIET: Sensitive information regarding diet. They will be shown only to selected organizers.
  • SAFETY: Sensitive information regarding physical or mental health. They will be shown only to selected organizers.
  • LEGAL NAME: It may happen that the player's chosen first name is different from their current legal name (the name they are identified by in the legal system of their country). In such cases, the legal name can be put into this field. It will be used only for the legal documents generated by LarpManager; it will not be shown to the players. 
  • PRESENTATION: A small presentation of the player, used in advanced features.