Tutorials - Event Appearance

To freely customize the appeareance of an Event, go to the Organization appearance page.

Input the following data: 

Cover, an image that will be shown in the Organization home page as the event's cover;

Background Image, an image that will be applied as a background on all pages (as a CSS background-cover). We suggest an image with few details, and few variation in color. You can upload an image of any size and format. 

Title font, a font that will be applied to all pages' titles. You can upload a format TTF or OTF.

Color texts, the color for all texts. We suggest a color that will have a good contrast with the background image. 

Color background, a color that will be used as a background color for the text. We suggest a color that will have a good contrast with the text color, and the background image.

Color links, a color for all links. 

Event CSS, a custom CSS code (contact us if you need help in knowing the HTML structure to change). 

(These customization will be applied to all webpages pertaining to the Event, overriding customization saved for the Organization).

You can also customize the texts that are used by LarpManager it it's functions. To manage them go to Event texts page.

You can edit an existing one, or add a new one by clicking on "Add new".

Input the following data: 

Text, the custom text; 

Type, the type of the text; 

Language, the text will be shown to users that have selected that language in their profile; 

Default, whether this text will be shown if no version of this text exist with the language selected by the user.

(Note that for each type, only one version of the language is accepted).

(Note that for each type, only one version is accepted as default).

You can also customize the navigation buttons available to the players for the event. To manage them go to Event navigation page.

You can edit an existing one, or add a new one clicking on "Add new".


Input the following data: 

Name, the name that will appear on the navigation bar; 

Tooltip, the text that will appear as the user hovers on the button; 

Link, the link where the button will redirect the user once pressed. 

Here's an example: