Tutorials - Event roles

Go to the Event roles page.

A role "Organizer" will be automatically created, with the user that has created the organization. By default this role has all permissions. 

(Note that you can add in a role only user that have given permission to LarpManager to share their data with your organization. If your organization is newly created, the list will be empty. Open the "Can't find an user?" link to generate a link to share with the user that you want to add; when they access that link, their data will be shared, and you will be able to add them in a role.)

You can add new user to the existing role by clicking the edit icon, or you can add new role by clicking on "Add new". 

(Note: an user can be added in more than one role. Their permission will be the sum of all their roles).

Select the name of the role in "Name", the user that will be assigned to this role in "Members", and check which management page they will be given acces. 

(Note that new permission will be available when you activate new features.)